This past weekend was perfect for a photo outing. Shame is that in light of these prints, I have accepted that I need to man up and take the camera into a shop. My janky attempt at Macgyvering it into submission just doesn't cut it. For your viewing pleasure, I present to you: Lines and overexposure.
I haven't liked any of the pictures I've been taking recently. This last batch is no exception. Everything was so blurry. It seems I may have had a few too many of these:
I felt terrible about Erica's accident. At least it provided an interesting subject.
So I'm still having issues with the light leaking in through the back casing. Three rolls of film and barely any are good. Lots of great shots, just lines going through all of them. Looks like I'm going to have to take the camera in to the shop.
Taken around the city and atop a few of the many parking garages in Detroit. Wish I could have gotten a picture of the security guards that kicked me out for taking pictures "without permission". Something told me with the sour attitude they had, they wouldn't have been very good models anyway...
Right after I took this one, a car drove up. This vehicle was the one that complained to security that I was "photographing them".
Not sure why, but against my better judgement I decided to post this one anyway.
These next few have a strange feeling to them. I was testing different special effect lens.
On the corner of Michigan and Trumbull there once stood a monument to America's greatest pastime. It is now a vacant sandlot. That doesn't stop the boys from continuing the tradition of fast pitch and wood bats.
Out in the middle of nowhere. It took me a few rolls of film to realize that the lines and white areas were caused by a leak in the casing of my camera.